Bill was a student from Harvard who like their friends, and Steve Jobs and Wozniak leave college to play an important role in the revolution of computers so that the latter two characters set up a company named "Apple Computer" develop an Apple II microcomputer called technology had revolutionized the architecture-based 8-bit 6502 processor, more like an appliance to an electronic device had color and high resolution graphics, sound capabilities and the Basic programming language, then slowly evolved to design a powerful personal computer with a graphical user interface. The Lisa computer would be targeted toward business customers, Jobs was withdrawn from the project, so he joined the Macintosh project contrary to popular belief, the Macintosh is not a direct descendant of Lisa, but had no obvious similarities between systems, finally after having many problems with jobs company executives was fired by John Sculley, president and CEO of Apple Computer, on the other hand Bill Gates began programming language to design his first creation was the MITS Altair, a microcomputer was was sold as a kit through Popular Electronics magazine, the designers planned to sell only a few hundred copies to fans but sold 10 times, operating luegosistema record was originally created for the family computer used by the IBM PC 16-bit Intel processors, the first popular operating system for this platform. He had a line interface, then IBM PC that was coming across a renovation and then come the Windows operating system to overcome everything, Apple sues the company because their system was very identical but in the end Apple teams up with Microsoft as had much Defic, microsof owns 14 percent of the shares of Apple, Bill Gates is currently the president of the company Microsoft and is one of the richest men in the world, other hand Steve Jobs returned to the company and out of bankruptcy with new technologies cone the "Phone".
This documentary shows us that the goals will be achieved by drawing on new technologies and we are all able to create and design a new technology for the future.